JULY 31 "RUPERT"- Well after a week of no work due to my porcine flu, Rupert's training resumed. The first day he was wild. I had to turn him loose in the round pen and get his feet moving and get some of that energy dissipated so he could concentrate. He didn't mind the surcingle at all. I thought after a week of no work and just having had it on 3 times that he might get bucky. I had noticed in the Road to the Horse DVD of Clinton starting a youngster that he put all kinds of things in the round pen for the horse to get used to. So I put the plastic bags on a stick in the arena. That has worked well. He was trotting and cantering close by it. I will add more stuff like plastic tarp, poles and half barrels.
KALAE- I thought since I had not ridden for 8 days it might be smart to first round pen her. YA! She was a bucking -rearing fool!! I have never seen her buck like that before. Then jump vertically through the air striking a foreleg at the same time. Glad I got that grasshopper out of there. had a fabulous ride! Practiced being able to counter flex and change the position of her head/neck while cantering and trotting. Move the forehand and hindquarters .
August 1 "Rupert" - FIRST SADDLE and he bucked quite a bit, but it was more like hump your back and boing off 4 feet. Not going anywhere. I was trying get him to disengage w/o success. After 2 X around he settled down and the rest of his work was good. The one new thing was not staying out on the end of the line when I asked him to stand. He kept trying to move his feet. I kept backing him up and each time he walked forward I sent him back and asked him to stand. Then I practiced running up to him. This was scary at first but he soon got used to it. He is doing better with the plastic bag. I could stand 45 degree to his shoulder and hold the bag thumping my chest with it and then show it to him. he would touch his nose to it but I could not quite get it onto his body. But being just 2 feet away is an accomplishment.
KALAE- I thought since I had not ridden for 8 days it might be smart to first round pen her. YA! She was a bucking -rearing fool!! I have never seen her buck like that before. Then jump vertically through the air striking a foreleg at the same time. Glad I got that grasshopper out of there. had a fabulous ride! Practiced being able to counter flex and change the position of her head/neck while cantering and trotting. Move the forehand and hindquarters .
August 1 "Rupert" - FIRST SADDLE and he bucked quite a bit, but it was more like hump your back and boing off 4 feet. Not going anywhere. I was trying get him to disengage w/o success. After 2 X around he settled down and the rest of his work was good. The one new thing was not staying out on the end of the line when I asked him to stand. He kept trying to move his feet. I kept backing him up and each time he walked forward I sent him back and asked him to stand. Then I practiced running up to him. This was scary at first but he soon got used to it. He is doing better with the plastic bag. I could stand 45 degree to his shoulder and hold the bag thumping my chest with it and then show it to him. he would touch his nose to it but I could not quite get it onto his body. But being just 2 feet away is an accomplishment.
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