Yes, it is winter on Maui. The last 3 days were quite nasty. We trailered up to the top of Haleakala on Friday Morning. Six horses and a pack mule. I had not been into the crater on horseback for a decade. We were to go on a volunteer service trip to repair trails. When we got to the top the wind was gusty, the rain coming sideways and the wind chill at 24 degrees. Burrrh it was really cold. We all laughed "we don't do cold", jumped back in the trucks and headed down the hill. This was 3 hours of trailering. By Hawaii standards this is a lot of road time. Most of our jaunts are less than 15 minutes. On Friday evening the wind really kicked up a notch and the rain started. I blanketed my herd at 10pm. Saturday morning and Kalae was shivering even blanketed. Thank goodness I was here to blanket them. It rained all day for .63 inches. On Sunday it got worse. My arena was flooded and as the rain pelted the picture window I was so grateful I was not riding out of the crater as we would be doing. I called Wilfred : Can you believe this? We were laughing. "You can not imagine what a licking we would be taking! Stay dry. Sunday we had 1.10 inches of rain and the temps averaged 65 degrees in Makawao at 1,800 feet. 39 degrees at the top of Haleakala at 10,000 feet. wind chill 24 degrees.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Winter has curtailed our riding
Yes, it is winter on Maui. The last 3 days were quite nasty. We trailered up to the top of Haleakala on Friday Morning. Six horses and a pack mule. I had not been into the crater on horseback for a decade. We were to go on a volunteer service trip to repair trails. When we got to the top the wind was gusty, the rain coming sideways and the wind chill at 24 degrees. Burrrh it was really cold. We all laughed "we don't do cold", jumped back in the trucks and headed down the hill. This was 3 hours of trailering. By Hawaii standards this is a lot of road time. Most of our jaunts are less than 15 minutes. On Friday evening the wind really kicked up a notch and the rain started. I blanketed my herd at 10pm. Saturday morning and Kalae was shivering even blanketed. Thank goodness I was here to blanket them. It rained all day for .63 inches. On Sunday it got worse. My arena was flooded and as the rain pelted the picture window I was so grateful I was not riding out of the crater as we would be doing. I called Wilfred : Can you believe this? We were laughing. "You can not imagine what a licking we would be taking! Stay dry. Sunday we had 1.10 inches of rain and the temps averaged 65 degrees in Makawao at 1,800 feet. 39 degrees at the top of Haleakala at 10,000 feet. wind chill 24 degrees.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
John Lassetter Clinic
Everyone had some great rides with John. Peter and Jessica were the bravest by having lunge lessons. These focused seat lessons imporved their seats by the end of the lesson. The gallery watching the lessons were stretching their arms high, rotating one forward and the other backwards. Jessica sais she really likes the lunge lessons as they focus on her seat where the other lesson focus on training the horse.
I rode Freederic the first 2 lessons. Whew I had to stop frequently for air. I had not ridden Freederic in a long while. He is such a trooper. Kalae was awesome as usual. We were able to work past a sticky point and proceed. Linda and Bailey did well. Marilee rode 3 different horses and was very pleased. Belinda and Bella also did remarkably well.
All in all a fun week with friends and horses.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sunset Ride
The autum sun is setting sooner every day. Our 5:15 pm departure gave us a beautiful sunset ride. 2 Hawaiian owls or Pueo's (pu-EH-oh)were soaring and diving among the old pineapple fields. The wind was nippy and the horses walking fast. A great hour in the saddle! As you can see Dolly got to tag along for the exercise
Saturday, September 24, 2011
John Lassetter Clinic Oct 19-24, 2011
Come to Kalae Farm Hannoverians for a week of riding and fun!
Arena Figures: Double loop down the long side, 6 shallow loops down the center line. Head to wall leg yield, cavaletti in a fan shape. 10 meter box. 20 meter circle with satellite 10 meter circles. 20 meter circle in the center with 10 meter circle on the center line to the outside. Spiral in and leg yield out. Cavaletti to canter and back to trot at the cavaletti. Reinback. Short diagonal w/leg yield and canter. The list goes on and on.
Arena figures,
John Lassetter,
Kalae Farm Hannoverians,
Oct 19-24
Monday, September 19, 2011
Birthday ride
Had a call from the Sheraton Hotel for a guest who wanted a dressage lesson. Patty arrived with her husband who was treating her for her birthday. What a treat to ride the #1 horse Kalae. Her own horse, a Oldenberg has been lame for the last year. She wants to work on her hand position and seat position as she has not been able to ride much. She did great riding a strange horse. "She is so smooth and sensitive"
Kalae even gave her a flying change. A big smile and birthday wishes for Patty!
Kalae even gave her a flying change. A big smile and birthday wishes for Patty!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dillingham Ranch, Oahu
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Iao Valley
Iao Valley and stream is always a great place to visit. Close to Wailuku and Kahului it is hard to believe in a few moments you are hiking beside a stream and then up a trail back into the valley. The steep valley walls and great views are awesome. Ferns, guava trees, Kukui trees, ginger. Two streams converge into one. Local kids are swimming and playing in the cold mountain water. Just before the iao park is a cultureal park which is a great place to have lunch.
Maui Polo
Jessica and Elroy flying down the field, Peter and Velvet eye on the ball, Jessica and Elroy.
I have not gone to Polo for years and years. In mid May while John Lassetter was here teaching we had a break during our lunch so headed over to the polo field to watch clinic participants Jessica and Peter play polo. soon we were cheering "Go Peter! Go Jessica as she scored 4 out of 5 points. How exciting. The "indoor field"
is a beautiful "Up country" Maui location. Surrounded by Jacaranda trees and Haleakala Ranch pasture land it is a relaxing location to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May thunderstorm and showers
The ear splitting overhead crack and thunder rattled my windows and made me jump. On the second roar from the heavens, I scurried in from the weight bench where I had been working out mesmerized by the dark ominous clouds roiling overhead. I watched a jagged fork of lightning strike the pineapple fields behind a barn just across the way. This "God bowling in the heavens" lasted for nearly 3 hours. It rained moderately. I had called one student but could not get hold of another scheduled for 5pm. Sure enough just before 5 here she comes. A big smile, eager to ride "We always ride in the rain in Switzerland".
Miraculously as soon as she mounted the rain stopped and so did the thunder and lightning. The footing was perfect with the amount of rain it had just received! Dunja rode "Divine Intervention" well! Divine also demonstrated her love for jumping. After the lesson we took off her tack in the arena and set up her 2 foot jump. She gallops over, spins and comes back over the jump... for a treat of course!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Idaho Event Riders visits
I was working in the arena, trimming the hedge when the phone rang. A local Makawao Gallery had a visitor who wanted directions to "Maui Dressage Academy". In a few minutes Bruce and Patty arrived who are from southern Idaho. He has a T-shirt regarding a big event ride in Kalespell Montana at Rebecca Farms. The horses were all out. Rupert galloping in the arena. A beautiful sunny day. It is fun meeting horse enthusiasts from around the world. He rides a 4 yo Irish Sport Horse after retiring his TB partner who just turned 17. He teaches as well in a large indoor arena where multiple disciplines ride together. The farm is just a mere 900 acres. Very nice! "You don't need a indoor here" we all laugh.
John Lassetter Dressage Clinic May 20-22
John has been coming to Maui twice a year since 1999? How blessed we are! World class dressage instruction on your own horse. When you live in the middle of the Pacific. In the most remote location in the world ( really Hawaii is the farthest of any island from a major land mass) that is a big thing. He travels half way around to
world to get here. The first time he arrived it poured and poured and he kept right on teaching. His boots were full of water! One time his luggage did not arrive. Bummer! Not to mention the long flights here, transfers....
I love John's lessons! He shows you where you need to go. His lessons are perfect for riders who do not get much help because when you learn the exercises and the increasing complexity.. if you set up the cones... it provides a great gauge for your progression. You have learned a good warm up routine which you can vary. You learn many different methods of introducing different exercises.
I have amazing rides with him, wish I could do the same on a daily basis.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Oahu Dressage Show
Aloha State Dressage Society's show was set in beautiful Waimanalo. The venue was changed to a block down the street at the last minute due to weather issues. It was overcast, cooler and fortunately the rain stayed away. It was funny to see everyone in their sweat shirts and hoods on saying they were so cold. I was hot as I had just come from 3,000 foot Waimea on the Big Island where it was cold at 58 degrees.
A smaller show than normal it was great to see so many 2nd, 3rd and 4th level rides. Good going! I co-judged with Dolly Hannon which was great to compair my scores and see I was right there within 2-5 points. This was the first time I had judged the new tests. I like the new changes. Dolly had judged on Maui the prior weekend which I had missed due to working on the Big Island. She has great comments and I know the riders appreciated the input.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Had a great lesson from Gwen yesterday. You have to realise I am able to get 3 lessons twice a year from John Lassetter and then I am fortunate to have a few more inbetween the bi-annual Lassetter lessons. So to have a lesson was a gift. Everyone needs eyes on the ground.
Make sure the trot work in well forward. Shorten your reins. Keep your heel down and use your calf. Look up.
For 4th level what do you need? Collection and straightness. Yes, but to be successful what else? Suppleness.
Whats the best way to get suppleness? Shoulder-in ie. lateral work
Stair Step Exercise of shoulder-in to half pass. First at walk and then at trot. It is a good supplying and strengthening exercise for the horse and a good supplying exercise for the rider. The rider has to change from shoulder-in seat position to half-pass seat position. Be aware your shoulders to not block the horse when changing from SI to HP. Your shoulders follow the horses shoulders. The seat changes from weight on outside to weight on inside.
Now for the half pass. In the corner do a few steps SI and then focus on X and ride to X in HP. Gwen stood on X. "Look where you want to go, your looking at me and will run me over. I want you to go in front of me. Challenge yourself, slow down if you have to. More bend, shorter reins. Yes, now she is crossing." You can set out a cone at X and ride in front of it.
Canter work: We started cantering to the right. she was anticipating and pushing against my right leg being quite crooked. I'm not sure of my seat ins crooked or what but she has been doing this when she gets excited and I can not get her straight. "Go in shoulder-in or shoulder-for position." That way she has to step under and use her right hind. She was still pushing her R hind inside. "More bend right and suppleness as she is bracing against you, make her a little deeper to use the back." As soon as she was just a hair deeper she started to be more supple and straight. No longer pushing against the riders right leg, allowing a shoulder for position. When she does this you can never push her HQ over.
Medium trot: Yes, ask for more. Do short diagonals. That was the difference between a 5 and 8. Yes your concerned about the past R stifle injury but you need to strengthen it. Short periods. I don't practice mediums and extensions on Safarie often.
Counter-canter on the 20m circle. Don't use the outside rein, soften it.
She changed because you let you leg drop. That was a huge flying change which you can never punish her for. Start refining your flying change aids. Just let your leg drop. Keep the rest of your body passive. The second change was not as good because you gave the aids and your hands came up a bit. Good that was clean. Make sure the canter is forward, don't slow her down prior to the change.
Canter right: K-B and change in the middle. Then B-H and change in the middle. I felt my body was in the wrong position when on the second canter phase changing L to right and she was a little late behind. It a good exercise as you have to be balanced and you have to turn and then change. Also you are doing a second change in just a few strides, so organization and concentration.
On Safarie I practice his Passage and Piaffe daily as he needs strengthening and improvement. I do not practice the mediums/extensions in trot all the time nor the canter pirouettes.
flying change,
half pass,
Sunday, February 27, 2011
First Dressage show of the season
We have had our share of rain since December. Just schedule a dressage show and it will rain. Fortunately the rain came the weekend before! Clearview Riding Academy was the venue with Judge Paula Lacy "S". This was the first time anyone had shown the new tests and everyone did pretty well. Here's a link to Annette and Rio's training level tests.
Next show March 19 at the Haku Baldwin Horse center - yours truly "r" judging.
Followed by April 2nd at the Haku Baldwin Horse Center with Dolly Hannon "S"
Next show March 19 at the Haku Baldwin Horse center - yours truly "r" judging.
Followed by April 2nd at the Haku Baldwin Horse Center with Dolly Hannon "S"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day
Maui has had much rain since the first of the year. We are awaiting our first dressage show of the season on February 19th. Having a dressage show means: get ready for the rain! Everyone is enjoying riding the new USEF tests. I was going to ride 4th level but Kalae is still tender after her trim 3 weeks ago. Next time!
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