Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back riding again - whew!

It has been a fascinating and educational 5 months trying to get back in the saddle after thoracic compression fractures. I rode yesterday for 45 minutes, walk, trot and canter! Kalae is such and awesome horse! What a gem and thankfully pretty smooth.
I spent the summer in physical therapy working on my back muscles. I now have a weight bench and tree of weights which I uses every other day. The 45 minute routine is done between 10am and 2 pm in the sun to get my Vitamin D for bone building. Then I power walk the other days with a one pound weight on my ankles. 30 minutes. I also have a personal trainer in Pilate's which I go to once a week. This has been amazing learning my weakness's and how I have compensated over the years. Then trying to recruit new muscles to be better balanced and apply it to riding.
There is a phenomenal amount of learning about gluten intolerance. Diet change to be primarily alkaline. Proper Vitamin consumption. saliva pH testing. Proper shoes.
I can now see that when a riding instructor tells their student to sit up straight it is always a momentary straightening because the riders do not have the back muscles to support the request. I was really floored at how weak my back muscles were and can see how they could not support my vertebral column contributing to injury.
This is why the post to this site have been few and far between this summer!
Get out and lift weight, work on your total body and your back!

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