Every 3 years the USEF requires the licensed officals or Judges to attend a 2 day forum. Usually there are 100+ judges together but the last forum I attended was a small gathering which I found to be much more productive. There were good discussions and questions were answered. This year they had a similar format and there were 25 of us. From learner judges to FEI judges. No class room, we sat on the sidelines at the Los Angelous Equestrian Center show "Festivle of the Horse". It was a good 2 days with lots of upper level riding which I enjoy as I do not get to see much of it being on Maui. 8 riders in the Grand Prix Special. What made it special was a friend from High school 4-H times was there apprenticing for her "r" license. We shared a hotel room and she knew the local spots to eat which made it great. Before I went to LA, right after I made my plane reservation everytime the TV was turned on it was a program about the "San Andreas fault, or Pacific rim EQ, or Tsuami. "Hello, what are you trying to tell me?" I was putting out the energy that the 3.5 days I was there there would be "NO EarthQuake". I left LAX on Easter Sunday at 8am and within a few hours there was a 7.0 EQ in nearby Mexico which rattled LA with over 100 after shocks. :) I actually felt 2 small tremblers while in Prescott AZ. a day or two later. While in Prescottt I was able to teach some lessons which was great. I also got a driving lesson by Dianne with "Thunder". That was fun. I was alittle trepidacious as he half reared in the shafts when Dianne first started out but she sorted him out quickly> apparently a new occurance. The next day he got out into the arena and was blasting every where, jumping the rail. Jim made the observation. "Hey Dianne I bet if you lunge him before it might help."
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