Friday the 13th is always a worrysome day to go on a new trail ride. I started early as just last week Kalae decided not to load. Usually she walks right in. I am wondering if there is a squeak or noise I dont know about happening in the trailer. She always loads pretty well. Well we made it to Haiku just on time. A beautiful sunny day with minimal wind. Annette,Margot and Jen arrived shortly afterwards. Off we went heading toward the ocean on old pineapple roads now quite overgrown with grass. We came to a small park overlooking the ocean. Kalae was unsure of the sound of the waves and did not go near the edge. Next we decended into the valley just north of the park. Soon we were riding through a canopy of tall trees on motorcross trails which were wide enough. A little ducking under branches and one spot to dismount and we were at another look out almost infront of Jaw's surf break. It was cool in the shade and quite beautiful. Still heading north we climbed out of this valley into another one. Here the ride got more challenging. Stream crossings with boulders and some water. As we crossed and recrossed the stream Kalae was letting me know she did not want to cross to the other side. She was shaking and backing while everyone else was on the other side.
I had gotten us into a situation, returning by ourselves was not an option. "Only one more crossing" Thank you God! But when we got there it was clearly the most challenging crossing. It was a deep pool with a steep entrance and exit. The other horses were pawing and having fun while Kalae was reversing down the trail and shaking. She is afraid of water... I am so lucky she didnt take off and run. As I approached the pool I slipped into waist deep water (camera and cell phone actually survived (always put your electronics in zip lock bags). I dont know what happened next but she was surging through the pool, I let go of her lead as she ran past me scrambling and slipping on the steep slippery bank as I watched in horror as her belly was on the ground, legs splayed. She got up and stood still with her left hind cocked, boot askew. She walked off sound. The final exit of the valley was up a narrow rutted dirt bike track where the horses were scrambling and any miss step would not have been good. Oh MY a bit too radical for the neophytes we are. We survived the 3 hour ride. The gals helped load Kalae and we were soon home safe and sound.