I was invited Belinda and Jim to go on a trail ride for Valentines day. The destination was Waikapu at Makani Olu Ranch. The start of the ride involves a stream crossing. Kalae has never seen a stream! I did not know if I was going to be working on water crossing while the rest of the ride went ahead or going along with them. Sure enough everyone trooped right through the water except Kalae. She was trembling she was so scared. I tried to encourage her. I got off and went into the water myself... no way. Finally after 10 min I told the group to go on with out me. Jod was patient and suggested I walk her over the foot bridge. Nope. Annette came back over and led us over the foot bridge. Success! as we rode out of the valley Jod paused and said OK now at the top of the hill are the long horn cattle. Kalae spotted them and up her head went. Fortunately they just stayed laying down and we went by with no big deal. The rest of the ride was relaxed as we enjoyed the panoramic view from the north shore, Haleakala and south shore. Up the hill we climbed into the eucalyptus forest. More long horn cattle and their baby's, long haired goats, zip line riders and a reservoir.
an hour and a half later we were back at the stream. Jod recommended Kalae go over the bridge to avoid a water crossing battle. We will schedule some water crossing lessons after we build a small blue plastic/ water obstacle at home and get the herd through it. More training idea's yeah! A very fun day!