My name is Bambino. I am a big kid, I think I might still be growing. If I played football I would be a lineman. My dad's a TB and my mom is part Clydesdale. They say I am 17h something what ever that means. My mom says I am a character. I'm a teenager and like to kid around. Sometimes I get into trouble. Like when I remove my mom's halter, chase the dog, chew any thing I can get my mouth on...lunge line, halter, reins. Ha I even pulled the saddle off at a big clinic, before my mom tightened the girth and that sacred me a bit and I couldnt let go as it dangled from my teeth. I have been pretty good in my school lessons. I study round pen, ground manners, trailering, dressage, trail riding and jumping.
I was kinda fooling around, trying to see what I could get away with the last 2 dressage lessons. Kinda like slowing down when the teacher said go. Putting my head in the air and twisting it. They were thinking it might be the saddle or my teeth until My mom figured it out.
Man, I am had! She put me in the round pen first thing to make sure I was listening on the ground and paying attention. "If he isn't listening on the ground, he wont be listening under saddle" Then they lunged me with side reins for 10 minutes. Then Mom got on and I tried to suck back but she yelled at me to go forward and tapped me with the black stick, thumped me and I decided I better not to fool around. There was this other lady watching. She is a school teacher for special education kids and she was telling them kids don't want to misbehave, they want guidance and ground rules and the quicker you nip the bad behavior in the bud, the better the kids are. The kids are just testing to see if you are going to be the leader. They told me I did really well in school today. I guess I was flying and actually had fun too.
I was kinda fooling around, trying to see what I could get away with the last 2 dressage lessons. Kinda like slowing down when the teacher said go. Putting my head in the air and twisting it. They were thinking it might be the saddle or my teeth until My mom figured it out.
Man, I am had! She put me in the round pen first thing to make sure I was listening on the ground and paying attention. "If he isn't listening on the ground, he wont be listening under saddle" Then they lunged me with side reins for 10 minutes. Then Mom got on and I tried to suck back but she yelled at me to go forward and tapped me with the black stick, thumped me and I decided I better not to fool around. There was this other lady watching. She is a school teacher for special education kids and she was telling them kids don't want to misbehave, they want guidance and ground rules and the quicker you nip the bad behavior in the bud, the better the kids are. The kids are just testing to see if you are going to be the leader. They told me I did really well in school today. I guess I was flying and actually had fun too.